Python API reference

Package mosaik-docker provides the following Python methods. They can be accessed via package mosaik_docker.cli:

from mosaik_docker.cli import *

Methods for handling simulation setups


Create an empty simulation setup in a new directory.

create_sim_setup( name, dir = '.', id = None )


  • name: name of the simulation setup (string)

  • dir: directory to put the generated simulation setup (string, default: '.')

  • id: unique ID for the simulation setup (string, default: None)

Return value: on success, return absolute path to created simulation setup directory (string)


Configure an existing simulation setup.

    extra_files = [],
    extra_dirs = [],
    results = []


  • setup_dir: directory of the simulation setup (string, default: '.')

  • docker_file: name of the Dockerfile used for building the simulation orchestrator image (string)

  • scenario_file: name of the mosaik scenario file (string)

  • extra_files: additional files to be added to the simulation orchestrator image (list of strings)

  • extra_dirs: additional directories to be added to the simulation orchestrator image (list of strings)

  • results: list of paths of result files or folders, i.e., files or folders produced by the simulation that should be retrieved after the simulation has finished (list of strings)

Return value: on success, return absolute path to simulation setup config file (string)


Check if simulation setup is valid.

check_sim_setup( setup_dir )


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

Return value: return dict with status of setup check in the following format:

    'valid': boolean # flag indicating if setup is valid
    'status': string # detailed status message


Build simulation setup as preparation for running the simulation. This includes building the Docker image of the mosaik orchestrator.

build_sim_setup( setup_dir, out_stream = print ):


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

  • out_stream: output from the build process to stderr will be piped to this stream (callable)

Return value: return dict with status of build process:

    'valid': flag indicating if build succeded (boolean)
    'status': detailed status message (string)


Delete a simulation setup, including all associated Docker images and containers.

delete_sim_setup( setup_dir )


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

Return value: return dict with status of build process:

    'valid': flag indicating if deletion succeded (boolean)
    'status': detailed status message (string)

Methods for handling simulations


Start a new simulation.

start_sim( setup_dir, id = None )


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

  • id: ID of new simulation (string, default: None)

Return value: on success, return new simulation ID (int)


Cancel a simulation (stop simulation container).

cancel_sim( setup_dir, id )


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

  • id: either 'all' or ID of running simulation container (string)

Return value: on success, return ID of cancelled simulation (int)


Delete containers of finished simulations.

clear_sim( setup_dir, id )


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

  • id: either 'all' or ID of simulation container to be cleared (string)

Return value: on success, return list of cleared simulation IDs (list of string)


Get status of all simulations of a mosaik-docker setup. Updates the simulation setup information about which containers are running (status UP) or finished (status DOWN) if it is not up to date.

get_sim_status( setup_dir )


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

Return value: return dict with status information for all simulations of a mosaik-docker simulation setup in the following format:

    'up': { string: string } # running simulation IDs and status
    'down': { string: string } # finished simulation IDs and status


Retrieve the results of finished simulations.

get_sim_results( setup_dir, id, overwrite = False )


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

  • id: either ‘all’ or ID of finished simulation container (string)

  • overwrite: overwrite previously retrieved results (boolean, default: False)

Return value: on success, return ID(s) of simulation(s) for which results have been retrieved (string)

Utility methods

Get IDs of all running (status UP) and finished (status DOWN) simulations of a simulation setup.


get_sim_ids( setup_dir )


  • setup_dir: path to simulation setup (string)

Return value: return dict with simulation IDs in the following format:

    'up': [string] # IDs of running simulations
    'down': [string] # IDs of finished simulations


Check if the specified directory (or any parent directory) contains a simulation setup configuration.

get_sim_setup_root( dir )


  • dir: directory path to check (string)

Return value: return the following dict:

    'valid': boolean # flag indicating if this directory (or any parent directory) contains a simulation setup configuration
    'dir': string # directory containing a simulation setup configuration if 'valid', otherwise empty