Using package mosaik-docker


Package mosaik-docker eases the deployment of the mosaik co-simulation framework with Docker. A typical mosaik-docker workflow contains the following steps:

  1. Create a simulation setup: A simulation setup is a directory that contains all necessary scripts and configuration files. Package mosaik-docker provides a command to create a “bare” simulation setup that needs be adapted to your application. To do so, you need to provide the following:

  • Provide the mosaik scenario file for your co-simulation.

  • Provide the Dockerfile(s) for the mosaik sim manager (and optionally also other simulators).

  1. Configure simulation setup: Specify the mosaik scenario file and Dockerfile(s) to be used for your simulation setup. You can also add additional input files or folder and specify output files.

  2. Check and build simulation setup: Check if your simulation setup is valid and build the Docker images for running the simulations.

  3. Run simulations and check their status: You can start / stop new simulation runs and check their current execution status.

  4. Retrieve simulation results: After a simulations has successfully finished, you can retrieve its results.

In the following, these steps are explained in more detail. For each step, the required commands (for the command line terminal) are explained. If you want to use mosaik-docker via its graphical user interface, you can find more information here.

Create a simulation setup

A simulation setup is a directory that contains all necessary scripts and configuration files. Package mosaik-docker provides the create_sim_setup command to create a template for a simulation setup that can be adapted to your needs (see here for details):

>>> create_sim_setup MySimSetup
Created new simulation setup: /home/user/MySimSetup

This will create a new directory to which you have to add the following:

  • a mosaik scenario that

    1. starts the simulators

    2. instantiates models within the simulators

    3. connects the model instances of different simulators to establish the data flow between them

  • a Dockerfile for running sim manager (i.e., the mosaik orchestrator that executes the scenario)

  • Dockerfiles for running the simulators (optional)

  • input files and/or folders (optional)

Examples of a monolithic simulation setup (the mosaik sim manager and all simulators run in the same Docker container) and a distributed simulation setup (the mosaik sim manager and the simulators run in individual Docker containers) can be found here.

Configure simulation setup

The configuration for the simulation setup is stored in file mosaik-docker.json. All required information to run a dockerized mosaik simulation is stored in this file (mosaik scenario file, Dockerfile(s), input files and/or folder, output files). Package mosaik-docker provides the configure_sim_setup command for the configuration of simulation setups (see here for details):

>>> configure_sim_setup --scenario-file --docker-file dockerfiles/Dockerfile_main --extra-file demo_lv_grid.json --result demo.hdf5
Updated simulation configuration file: /home/user/MySimSetup/mosaik-docker.json

NOTE: It is highly recommended to NOT edit this configuration file by hand, but use the commands provided my mosaik-docker!

Check and build simulation setup

You can use command check_sim_setup check if your simulation setup is valid (see here for details):

>>> check_sim_setup
simulation setup is valid: /home/user/MySimSetup

Once your setup seems to be fine, you can use command build_sim_setup to build the Docker images for running your simulation (see here for details):

>>> build_sim_setup
Sending build context to Docker daemon    701kB
Step 1/11 : FROM mosaik/orch-base:v1
 ---> b239b8430a38
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 8df59427a94c
Step 3/11 : ARG EXTRA
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 57355196ae2a
Step 4/11 : RUN pip install mosaik-csv==1.0.3
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 5f98b074eccc
Step 5/11 : RUN pip install mosaik-hdf5==0.3
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 96daeb62dee8
Step 6/11 : RUN pip install mosaik-householdsim==2.0.3
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 821122dc1287
Step 7/11 : RUN pip install mosaik-pypower==0.7.2
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 06dea0bd92ca
Step 8/11 : RUN pip install networkx==2.4
 ---> Using cache
 ---> c8fdf48dfd2e
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 15f73891d199
Step 10/11 : COPY $EXTRA .
 ---> 2e3050d9fe48
 ---> Running in a428eddbdfba
Removing intermediate container a428eddbdfba
 ---> 90db1e9de30b
Successfully built 90db1e9de30b
Successfully tagged mosaik/orch/my-sim-setup:latest
building simulation setup succeeded: /home/user/MySimSetup

Run simulations and check their status

Once the Docker images have been successfully built, you can use command start_sim to start new simulation runs (see here for details):

>>> start_sim
Started new simulation with ID = d150f4

Use command get_sim_status to check the current execution status of your simulations (see here for details):

>>> get_sim_status
        d150f4: Up 1 second
        766540: Exited (0) 18 seconds ago

Retrieve simulation results

After a simulation has successfully finished, you can use command get_sim_results to retrieve the corresponding results (see here for details):

>>> get_sim_results --id 766540
Retrieved results for simulation(s) with ID = 766540